Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Preview of The Mind

I haven't had any formal relationship with Quantum Physics but I have had the chance of making acquaintance with it through the few scholars and "thinkers" I have spent time with and have now come to think of as good friends. They tell me that QP shows us the possibilities in this world, the limitless magnitude of things existing and even those that COULD exist. Another way of looking at it would show that our minds see only what we want to believe in, we are the creators and generators of reality. These physicists believe that there is constant movement happening all around us...things are happening endlessly and we are surrounded by it from all sides. And it is from these movements that we choose moments and see them as possibilities. For if reality were perfect and if every movement in existence was complete by itself then what difference would my being here or not being here make!Would it not make any difference whether I HAD skills, knowledge, intelligence,or NOT! Mathematics can give you assumptions and theories. But it's entirely up to YOU to choose the experiences. A paradigm could be that of the existence or non existence of God. Many believe IN it, many DON'T. The existence or non existence can't be proved with a theorem or derived from an equation, it boils down to the simple fact that the truth lies in the true understanding of the media around you. It's what you choose to see and how you perceive it that defines rationality for you. In my view there is no good or bad, it is all in the understanding of the mind that we perceive what to do and what not. Well, how now do we gain that understanding? Don't be hypnotized by the things around you, if the universe is as infinite as we think it is, and in that infinity if we are still existing, it has to be for a mighty cause, a reason so great that it sure might make the human mind look inadequate to comprehend such a thing! The truth lies here, the greatness of any human lies not in what he does to his body but rather what he does to his mind and what you do to your mind is limitless. Everything that you can think can be achieved. Change your mind, change your habits, change your circumstances, change your life. I believe that nothing is impossible to change. Talk of an addiction...if you are addicted to anything, it's only because you don't know how to dream better! When you let your mind go to places you thought impossible, reach out to things you consider inaccessible, you will realize you are already there! If it was really impossible it wouldn't exist and you wouldn't know of it. If it exists, it IS possible. Whether everything in the universe is synced or not, turns out the mighty infinite universe could still use us. We are put on the face of the earth to be make use of our gifts and intentionality. Let nothing interfere with your work of creating and building understanding. And when this happens you will find yourself so lost in knowledge that from there you will only witness the greater glory and manifestation of who you become. There is no loss from that point failure because you will realize that you have already gotten to the place where reality meets the impossible!


  1. So true. Nicely done. That is the very thought and philosophy of my life. Things happen around us and we just have to look at it and get there to know what it is and what is to and for us... The idea of goodness and badness, indeed, is the way how we look at it not what it is... Hell this is life and we just pretend that we dont know it and live about anything but tryin to be honest with our minds..

  2. so much depth buds:-) loved it...I did not know this Supriya existed...

  3. Thanks John, the idea of good and bad indeed is just how we perceive it. Am glad we share the same philosophies when it comes to living our lives based on choices rather than just chance.

  4. Saikat:
    Buds thanks for the appreciation and the valuable input :) always a great help.
    I would credit it to the wonderful people I had the chance of interacting with that brought out this writing rather than just my idea.
    thanks for your time my friend.

  5. here comes..its a literary masterpiece..i totally agree wid ur friend saket in saying dat i never knew this supriya..inspite of knowing her for so long..u'v cum a long way gurl...n its only now dat u'v realized ur full potential..keep goin..and as dey say.. d world in now at ur feet...

  6. @Kavi: Thanks woman...your views really matter :)
