Tuesday, January 5, 2010

As weird as it gets...

I must say the article on CNN on "The Dumbest Moments in Business 2009 made for an interesting read.
My (two) personal favorites from there included Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein going over the board confessing to 'a Times of London reporter that he was just a banker "doing God's work.".... For $43 million a year'....:D thanks to David Ellis for delivering this good news to us all..

Next on the list would be the desperate effort by All Nippon Airways to unburden the Boeing 777 of certain unwanted load (in this case,stuff in the human bladder of humans of course), all for the sake of reducing the over all weight of the on-flight-baggage,saving fuel and reducing greenhouse gas emissions!!!..how much of it actually worked is undisclosed (for obvious reasons one would infer) but the effort did make it to my list of "are you for REAL people????"...thanks to J.P. for this insightful info on the creative execution of common sense (or rather, the lack of it) :P

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