Sunday, January 10, 2010

Understanding Small Enterprise Finance

Having started summer school, (more due to my dismal performance in the previous semester than anything else), I actually love every minute of it now (without any compulsion i.e,).It might have something to do with the Prof I reckon (dote on his teachings) and also on the paper I was given, "small enterprise finance". Doing my research to comprehend better the idea of small enterprises, I stumbled upon the Neoclassical Economic concept of Marginal Change. To make it short and simple for my "non finance" friends, I just wanted to share the beauty of the way the base of small business finance is explained by 3 veterans:
They infer that Finance is a well developed body of idea based on the neoclassical economic principles, three of which act as its backbone.

1. Time is money:
This concept coined by Fisher explains the time value of money in terms of compound interest, discount rate and the likes, which can further be developed mathematically to support areas like project appraisal and so on.

2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket:
The idea behind surrendering the eggs to not one but several baskets (the ingenious thought of Markowitz) was actually the lesson on diversification, which now is generalized into the Capital Asset Pricing Model or CAPM.

3. You can't fool all the people all of the time:
Modigliani and Miller discovered the all so obvious but less thought of fact, that in the presence of perfect competition and profit maximization and zero individual influence on price, it was nearly impossible to have market efficiency and arbitrage.

while the assumptions (the food and fodder for economics) may turn out to be otherwise at times, the fact remains that they DO constitute a very strong base to the theories that have the impeccable ability of great predictions!


  1. good..really gotta right more like this!!simplifying concepts like this makes it more intersting..

  2. Thanks Nikhil, will try and write some more on this in the coming days.

  3. Think about 'money value of time'...keen to know ur thoughts on it :-)

  4. Thanks Saikat, it's always nice to have your views buddy :)
