Friday, January 1, 2010

To Blog or Not To Blog..

The dilemma of whether to write or just waste away the ever impregnating thoughts in my mind finally reached a consensus of letting themselves out (no matter how vague they might seem or appear), after the silent New Years' Eve that I spent in quiet and peace doing what I know I am not too good at-contemplating the year gone by. Well the entirety of credit can't be bestowed fully upon the populating ideas in my head but rather and more honestly to my fruitless effort at being unable to conjure up pictures of moments witnessed, thoughts provoked and feelings evoked, at the call of my will.
So I decided to share what my mind perceives, of things that I do and those that I wish I could do (like not knowing how to swim while in New Zealand, or never getting my backhand in tennis right, or even better, never being able to get up in the morning until its 10:00am and not being able to sleep until its way past 3:00am...and its endless) but the good news though is that I started working on them this New Years :) I just started with my blog..duh..
But besides, played tennis for 2hours and must say, the backhand looks promising...dined with David Smith savoring "FREE LUNCH" ...took pictures wherever and whenever I felt the beauty of New Zealand was too precious to be missed and yes, called up loved ones to wish them the pleasantness of this year which I so wish for myself.

Not a bad start huh for a self proclaimed procrastinator :D


  1. you know wat???tat was a great start...infact, i am waitin to read more from you...:)

  2. That truly is very generous of you Nikhil..will try and write better next time..thanks a bunch buddy :)

  3. Awesome start....Jai Ho Supriya...I am truly your fan...keep writing and keep smiling throughout the year and beyond :-)

  4. so now you are blogging as well...believe me JS its a great start...and i am gonna be a true critic so beware ;) ...i have always loved everything about you and i love this too :D ...gook luck sweet heart :)

  5. Saikat I must admit that you've been quite an inspiration...throughout
    will keep u entertained and informed :)

  6. Shradha you know I'd always pay heed to whatever you have to you can tell me as it is..
    thanks for everything :)
